Data Resources

How to Onboard Data

Looking to purchase a new dataset for analysis? Did you know Wharton researchers have access to hundreds of pre-purchased data?

  • WRDS – 600+ datasets from more than 50 vendors available.
  • iWRDS – 20+ additional datasets across the School that are available to faculty and students for academic purposes. Eligibility varies by individual dataset.
  • Lippincott Library – 120+ business databases available.
  • Philadelphia Federal Statistical Research Data Center – datasets are among the largest and most important sources of statistical information in the US.

Next, consider whether or not the external party requires a Data Use Agreement (DUA).

  • If a DUA is required, talk to Research IT about your plans so they can advise on security, storage, and access concerns.
  • If you are using a grant or contract for these data, you should submit your request to PennERA.
  • If you are not using a grant or contract with funds coming to Penn to purchase the data, you should submit your request through Penn’s Research Inventory System (RIS).

If there is no DUA required, then you can work with your Business Administrator and Procurement to complete the purchase.

  • For tracking purposes, your BA should use the 5228 object code for the purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a “Data Use Agreement” (DUA)?

A “Data Use Agreement” (DUA) is an agreement from a Data Provider that requires a signature to receive data from another party.

DUAs can have other names (Data Sharing Agreement, Data Transfer Agreement, License Agreement, etc.). The purpose of a DUA is to define the legal obligations of the Data Recipient regarding the use, storing, processing, and transmitting of the data. These terms and conditions, if accepted by Penn, are legally binding, so they must be reviewed and agreed to by the relevant Penn staff.

The PI is accountable for all project personnel who will have access to the data.

What does a DUA look like?

Who may sign a DUA?

Only an authorized representative of the University of Pennsylvania may approve terms and conditions on behalf of the University. When an actual signature is required, individuals who have been specifically authorized by the University of Pennsylvania must approve and sign the agreement.

How do I start the review process for a DUA?

You should submit a Material/Non-Material Transfer Request through Penn’s Research Inventory System. The Office of Research Services will work with you to review the terms of the DUA and work with the vendor/outside party if any clauses require changes. You should also reach out to Research IT to help you through the process and to discuss any technical storage/security and access issues that might be needed when onboarding the data.