Addressing Sexual Harassment

A Guide for Students Seeking Support

Wharton is committed to a diverse and inclusive culture, and that means we try to foster an environment free of sexual harassment and gender discrimination.
This student portal is here to help students know their rights, learn about the resources available, and navigate the next steps if they experience sexual harassment.
If you are a Wharton staff member seeking resources please refer to the Sexual Harassment Policy in the Pennbook.
If you or someone you know in the campus community is experiencing sexual harassment or gender discrimination, Wharton and Penn offer support and resources to help.

If you are in immediate danger, being threatened, stalked, or assaulted, call 911 or call 215-573-3333 to be connected to Penn Police. If you need support but do not want any police involvement, ask to speak with a confidential advocate in Special Services. If you are concerned about a situation of sexual violence, relationship violence, or stalking, visit Penn Violence Prevention for resources and help.

What Is Sexual Harassment?

According to Penn policy, sexual harassment refers to any unwanted conduct that is based on an individual’s sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression and that:
  1. Involves a stated or implicit threat to the individual’s academic or employment status;
  2. Has the purpose or effect of interfering with the individual’s academic or work performance; and/or
  3. Creates an intimidating or offensive academic, living, or work environment.

Sexual harassment can be exhibited using verbal comments, nonverbal behaviors and gestures, and physical contact.

Examples of Sexual Harassment:

  • Seeking sexual favors in return for the promise of a favorable grade
  • Continuous and persistent sexual slurs
  • Making offensive comments about someone’s body, sexual orientation, or gender identity
  • Texting sexual images or messages